Happy Mothers Day

I’ve been meaning to blog about Mothers Day since Monday, but our computer died and I just haven’t had the inclination to fire up our new laptop (which we coincidentally and fortunately bought two weeks before the death of the PC.) This year was a bit haphazard in that Hubs was working most of the…

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Comfort factor

Last year sometime, Hubs made a comment that went something along the lines of “you don’t like to be uncomfortable.” Of course I took offence to this, as I’m always happy to leave my comfort zone for new adventures. I was living in Mount Isa for goodness sake! But that’s not what he meant. He…

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Add New Post

I’ve tried to “add new post” about 5 times in the last week, and each time it has ended the same way – me closing my dashboard without having written a word. I think I’m suffering from a severe case of comparisonitis. I keep reading other blogs thinking “I wish I could write like that”…

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A big week

It’s been great. But I have very few words. There is so much I want to say but my brain is just happy to smile and nod. So I’ll try and upload some photos to share. Okay. So I tried, but it didn’t work. I’m on my nephew’s MacBook Air and I’m having issues with…

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Rocky rocks

Okay so it’s not exactly the most original title, but I’m sleep deprived and have had a (rather generous) glass of bubbly so it’s the best I can come up with right now. It’s been a good first week. We arrived last Monday just after midday and it was an absolutely stinking hot day, but…

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Oh what a night

It was 2:30am. I awoke to the sound of the rain pelting down. It was an absolute downpour and an absolute pleasure to listen to. As I started drifting back to sleep, I was hit by a horrible, horrible thought. I’d left the windows down in the car. Mount Isa is hot. Have I mentioned…

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The West Wing

As per #097 of my 101 in 1001, I wanted to finish watching The West Wing. I know. The series ended almost 10 year ago. What can I say? The day I went into hospital to have Darby, I had a mere 7 episodes to go for the whole series. I batted my eyelids and…

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