
Another day, another morning spent sitting in the outpatients waiting room. I’m a regular there these days. They are taking very good care of me which is lovely, but I’m kind of over it now. Very very ready to meet this little baby of ours. Unfortunately there are still no signs of me going into…

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I’m ready

Feel free to take a guess as to which one I’ll be needing! I have a feeling it’s going to be a girl, and a few other punters share that thought, but feel free to put your own 2 cents in! I’m due in 2 weeks. Yes. That’s right. Not that that actually means anything…

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I do love a good surprise!

So we’re in Brisbane. Now. Not exactly what we had planned, but that’s life for us most of the time. That’s one of the best things about being married to Hubs. He not only “allows” me to do crazy things, he actively encourages it. He’s the best. I woke up on Sunday morning, Mum’s birthday,…

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Of sunsets and smiles

On our final evening at Karumba, we decided to go to the recommended fish and chip shop, grab some takeaway dinner and sit on the “beach” and watch the sun go down. The food did not disappoint, and nor did the view. Hubs bought a “new” Digital SLR camera recently, and has been having lots of…

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Ay Karumba!

Very original, I know, but it’s the only way I can remember that it’s Karumba and not Kuranda. Last week, Hubs had 5 days off and we decided we needed (needed) to get out of our wee townhouse or we would go crazy. So we decided to look into Karumba. Family friends of ours used…

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An update: On the first of January 2018, we lost my beloved husband, Frith, to suicide. It has completely rocked our whole world and we are still coming to terms with it all. I have written about it a bit in the early posts of 2018. We lived with my parents in Woody Point during…

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One of those shopping trips

You know the one. The 3-going-on-4-year-old wanting everything he sees and throwing a massive tantrum in the middle of the 5pm rush; the 18-month-old voicing her displeasure over the load in her nappy the size of Texas; the looks of pity and acknowledgment and “ah yes I’ve been there” from fellow parents and onlookers. Yesterday…

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Happy Birthday Hubs

On Hubs’ birthday last year, we found ourselves at a cocktail party, drinking far too much and finding out our friend Sonia had decided to apply to go to Mount Isa in 2014, mainly because of all the extra financial incentives. Hubs and I told her she was crazy and that was that. Or so…

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