10 things on the 10th

The decade that was

1. Officiated at 19 weddings and attended even more

2. Had 4 children (this one, this one, this one and this one!)

3. Lived in 11 houses (Newman College Melbourne, Wangaratta unit, Mount Beauty, Wangaratta House, Townsville, Ingham, Mount Isa, Rockhampton temp house, Rockhampton house, Woody Point Mum and Dad’s, Brighton.)

4. Broke 4 bones in my foot (including the stress fracture I’m currently sporting!)

5. Celebrated 40 birthdays as a family of 2 then 3 then 4 then 5 then 6 and made at least 50 cakes!

6. Bought 2 houses

7. Lost 1 husband

8. Went to 5 funerals

9. Owned 4 cars

10. Wrote 1339 blog posts

What will the 20s hold for us all?

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